Mathematics for the IB Diploma: Standard Level
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Книги          Автор Douglas Q.          Издательство Cambridge Schools & Colleges

Mathematics for the IB Diploma: Standard Level
654 стр. мягкая обложка

автор:Douglas Q.
издательство: Cambridge Schools & Colleges
цена:1999 руб
- нет в наличии

The book has been carefully reviewed by an experienced IB teacher and includes: full coverage of the IB syllabus; past examination questions; revision sections at regular intervals; and a full answer key. This book has been specifically written to cover the new IB Standard Level Mathematics syllabus. The books also describe graphical calculator methods as required by the IB syllabus.

Федеральный перечень учебников 2018/2019 -30% Игры. Игрушки -30% Канцтовары -30% Всё для праздников и карнавалов -30% Товары для детей -30% Ёлочные игрушки по форме -30% Электрогирлянды -30% Прочее -18%

Dogs and Demons

The construction industry here is so powerful that Japanese commentators often describe their country as doken kokka, a «construction state.» The colossal subsidies flowing to construction mean that the combined national budget devotes an astounding 40 percent of expenditures to public works (versus 8 to 10 percent in the United States and 4 to 6 percent in Britain and France). Public works have mushroomed in Japan because they are so profitable to the people in charge. Bid-rigging and handouts are standard practices that feed hundreds of millions of dollars to the major political parties. A good percentage (traditionally about 1 to 3 percent of the budget of each public project) goes to the politicians who arrange it. In 1993, when Kanemaru Shin, a leader of the Construction Ministry supporters in the National Diet, was arrested during a series of bribery scandals, investigators found that he had garnered nearly $50 million in contributions from construction firms. Construction Ministry bureaucrats share in the takings at various levels: in office, they skim profits through agencies they own, and to which they award lucrative contracts with no bidding; after retirement, they take up sinecures in private firms whose pay packages to ex-bureaucrats can amount to millions of dollars ...

Письменные принадлежности "Набор первоклассника", арт. Нп4_17692.
В наборе: доска для лепки, клей-карандаш, ручка шариковая синяя - 2 штуки, карандаш черно графитный - 2 штуки, точилка, пластилин, набор
527 руб
Раздел: Наборы канцелярские
Карандаши цветные "Kores", 48 цветов, с точилкой.
Двусторонние цветные карандаши имеют насыщенные цвета. Трехгранная форма корпуса снижает усталость и придает дополнительный комфорт.
716 руб
Раздел: Более 24 цветов
Часы шахматные.
Механизм: механический кварцевый. Материал: пластик. Размеры: 18 x 11,3 x 5,6 см.
2023 руб
Раздел: Прочее


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