Pearson Baccalaureate: Standard Level Biology for the IB Diploma
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Английский язык для языковых вузов          Автор William W.Jex          Издательство Pearson Education (Longman)

Pearson Baccalaureate: Standard Level Biology for the IB Diploma
536 стр. мягкая обложка

автор:William W.Jex
издательство: Pearson Education (Longman)
цена:2370 руб
- нет в наличии

Providing complete coverage of the latest syllabus requirements this book is written by a team of highly experienced IB Biology teachers, workshop leaders and examiners.

Федеральный перечень учебников 2018/2019 -30% Игры. Игрушки -30% Канцтовары -30% Всё для праздников и карнавалов -30% Товары для детей -30% Ёлочные игрушки по форме -30% Электрогирлянды -30% Прочее -18%

Embedded Linux Primer: A Practical, Real-World Approach

Conventions Used Filenames and code statements are presented in Courier. Commands issued by the reader are indicated in bold Courier. New terms or important concepts are presented in italics. When you see a pathname preceded with three dots, this references a well-known but unspecified top-level directory. The top-level directory is context dependent but almost universally refers to a top-level Linux source directory. For example, .../arch/ppc/kernel/setup.c refers to the setup.c file located in the architecture branch of a Linux source tree. The actual path might be something like ~/sandbox/linux.2.6.14/arch/ppc/kernel/setup.c. Organization of the Book Chapter 1, "Introduction," provides a brief look at the factors driving the rapid adoption of Linux in the embedded environment. Several important standards and organizations relevant to embedded Linux are introduced. Chapter 2, "Your First Embedded Experience," introduces the reader to many concepts related to embedded Linux upon which we build in later chapters ...

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Раздел: Стиральные порошки
Медицинская карта истории развития ребенка, красная, А5, по форме 112/У.
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Раздел: Бланки, книги учета

Английский язык для языковых вузов

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(495) 109 08 40 КНИГИ учебники для школы 1-10 класс