Economics for the IB Diploma
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(495) 109 08 40
Художественная литератураДетская литератураШкола. ПедагогикаДом. Быт. Досуг. ТуризмКультура и общество
Бизнес. Экономика. ПравоНаука. Техника.ТранспортЯзыки. ФилологияМедицина. ЗдоровьеРазное
Разное          Автор Tragakes E.          Издательство Cambridge University Press

Economics for the IB Diploma (+ CD-ROM) Ib Diploma
576 стр. мягкая обложка

автор:Tragakes E.
издательство: Cambridge University Press
цена:3946 руб
- нет в наличии

A comprehensive new edition of Economics for the IB Diploma. New features include: materials to provide students with the necessary mathematical background for the new syllabus requirements; integrated cross-references to the new syllabus; and Theory of Knowledge activities. Designed for class use and independent study, Economics for the IB Diploma Second Edition is a comprehensive new edition written by highly experienced author, Ellie Tragakes. This book, with accompanying Student CD-ROM, has been extensively revised to cover the new IB Economics syllabus (effective September 2011).

Федеральный перечень учебников 2018/2019 -30% Игры. Игрушки -30% Канцтовары -30% Всё для праздников и карнавалов -30% Товары для детей -30% Ёлочные игрушки по форме -30% Электрогирлянды -30% Прочее -18%

Практический менеджмент. Методы и приемы деятельности руководителя

Старение и нервная система. — К.: Здоровье. 31. Макаренко А. С. Сочинения. — 1957-1968. — Т. 1-6. 32. Махнач А. В. Личностные детерминанты динамики психических состояний в экстремальных условиях деятельности. — М., 1993. 33. Мескон М., Альберт М., Хедоури Ф. Основы менеджмента.-М.: Дело, 1993. 34. Общие основы педагогики, — М., 1967. 35. Pszezolowski Tadeusz. Mala eneykiopedia prakseologii i teorii organizacji. — Wroclaw-Warszawa-Krakow-Gdansk, 1978. 36. Пщоловский Тадеуш. Принципы совершенной деятельности. Введение в праксеологию. — К.: Институт праксеологии, 1993. 37. Praxiologies and the Philosophy of Economics. The International Annual of Practical Philosophy and Methodology. Transaction Publishers. — New Brunswich (U.S.A.) and London (U.K.), 1991. — Volume 1. 38. Севрук М. А. Система маркетинга (социально-экономический анализ, комьютеризация). — М., 1992. 39. Управление персоналом//Леданов И. Д. Практический менеджмент.-1993. 40. Хойер В. Как делать бизнес в Европе. — М.: Прогресс, 1990. 41. Холуй Т. Личност. — София, 1980. 42. Цуканов Б. И ...

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Раздел: Металлические ручки


Economics for the IB Diploma: IB Study Guide: Standard and Higher Level: Study Guide
This guide provides crisp revision of all syllabus topics with detailed support for constructing, analysing, labelling diagrams to assist with complete understanding.
          1166 руб
Economics for the IB Diploma with CD-ROM (+ CD-ROM)
The provision of questions throughout each chapter is intended to provoke discussion and test students' understanding. There are also comprehensive end-of-chapter questions. The print book includes an accompanying CD-ROM that provides model answers to select review questions and case studies with exam-style data-response questions, answers and evaluation. These resources have been developed in association with the teaching community. These e-learning materials are also included on the e-book version for an all-in-one solution. It uses accessible language with storytelling for students to follow, and efficiently presents and analyses topics to optimise learning. This comprehensive new book, available as both print and e-book, has been written by the highly experienced author, Ellie Tragakes, and has been designed for class use and independent study. The text includes in-depth analysis of all topics included in the IB syllabus at both Standard and Higher Levels.
          2193 руб
Pearson Baccalaureate Economics for the IB Diploma
Economics is an exciting new textbook with integrated online learning resources.
          6998 руб
Economics for the IB Diploma (+ CD-ROM)
These supplementary materials are also included in the e-book version for an all-in-one solution.
          4313 руб
Mathematics Higher Level for the IB Diploma
In addition, there is background material to help students connect maths to the real world.
          2169 руб
Theory of Knowledge for the IB Diploma Full Colour Edition
The fundamental question in Theory of Knowledge is ' How do you know? ' In exploring this question, the author encourages students to ask relevant questions, use language with care and precision, support ideas with evidence, argue coherently and make sound judgements.
          1851 руб
Higher Level Chemistry for the IB Diploma Pearson Baccalaureate:
          3617 руб
Pearson Baccalaureate: Standard Level Biology for the IB Diploma
          2370 руб
Pearson Baccalaureate: Standard Level Chemistry for the IB Diploma
          2505 руб
Pearson Baccalaureate: Higher Level Biology for the IB Diploma
          2729 руб
Pearson Baccalaureate: History: Causes, Practices and Effects of Wars for the IB Diploma
          1360 руб
Mathematics for the IB Diploma: Standard Level
The book has been carefully reviewed by an experienced IB teacher and includes: full coverage of the IB syllabus; past examination questions; revision sections at regular intervals; and a full answer key.
          1999 руб
Global Interactions Geography for the IB Diploma.
This attractive, full-colour coursebook covers the seven sections of the Higher Level Extension syllabus in Geography for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma.
          1851 руб
English Language and Literature for the IB Diploma
For students studying the new Language A Language and Literature syllabus for the IB Diploma.
          4020 руб
History for the IB Diploma: Causes, Practices and Effects of Wars
An exciting new series that covers the five Paper 2 topics of the IB 20th Century World History syllabus.
          2756 руб
Theory of Knowledge for the IB Diploma Pearson Baccalaureate:
          2273 руб
IB English B: For the IB Diploma
Linguistic and intercultural communication competencies are thoroughly covered, in line with the syllabus, with support for each externally-assessed paper, the written assignment, the internal assessment as well as TOK and the extended essay included.
          3688 руб
IB Geography: For the IB Diploma
Expertly written, this lively, full colour book supports IB Diploma Programme students in Geography.
          2169 руб
Biology for the IB Diploma
          3729 руб
Chemistry for the IB Diploma (+ CD-ROM)
Using accessible language, it efficiently presents topics to optimise learning.
          4770 руб

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